
Thursday 31 May 2012

My Passion...My...OBSESSION!

Right...If U Didn't Know... I WANT TO BAN BACON (so bad).
So That My Epic 'Campaign' Could Begin, I Actually Searched On Google 'We Sell Bacon' And Guess What... LOADS Of Bacon&Meat Companies/Farms Cane Up! Kerching! Then, I Went On The Websites, Then Contact Us, To Find... THE OWNERS EMAIL!!! Guess What I Did Next... I Sent Them An Email 'Suggesting' They Ban Bacon...
P.S.I Did This Underneath Message To All Ten Companies I Contacted...Lawl! xD
Oh...And Being The First 'Ban The Bacon' Member, I Currently Have A Very...Er,Interesting Wallpaper For My iPad... Take A Look While Ur Here xP

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