
Thursday 29 March 2012

Windows Live Creepers! :'(

Okay Everyone... As You Can Tell From The Title There's Been A Bit Of A Mishap With One Of The Users Off Windows Live Messenger :o...
This Person Called Chris Was Being So...So...So Inappropriate To Me And A Few Friends I Know.
First, By Accident(Ofc) My Friend Added This 'Chris' Thinking He Was A Close Family Member Of Hers...
Anyway, This Let To DISASTER!
She Started Asking For Her Personal Info And Asking Her About Things So Bad That I Can't Say Them On Here!
Then Even, She Could See My Friend By WebCam Even Do It Wasn't Switched On!
Next Thing And I (Stupidly) Add Chris As A Friend, Thinking It'll Help. The Weird Thing Was, She Accepted Straight Away Without Being Online!
When I Became Chris' Friend I Got A Few AWFUL Comments, Again I Can't Say Them On Here. My Friend Who Was Already Friends With Chris Also Took Some Pics And We Shared Dem Across Our iPads. Do You Know What We Find? We Find That He Was Saying Nearly The Same Things To Both Of Us...
That Was When We Began To Think She Was A Computer.
I Mean - She Never Replied TO Any Of My Messages, Especially The Time She Was Saying All The rude Stuff.
That Wasn't It, We Found Chris Had 101 Friends - Well,People Who'd Fallen Into Her Trap!
From The Information I Have, I Know That Chris Is a Female 23 Year Old. Why? Because When He Said All The Rude Stuff, She Asked For My A/S/L ( Age,Sex,(Gender)Location). I Just Replied "No Waaaaay!".
Then She Told Me Hers Without Any Opinion About What I'd Said.
Then- To Make Things Even Worse- My OTHER Friend On Windows Live Added Her As A Friend.
Agggghhh! That's All I Can Say! Who Is This Person? Why Are They Being So Inappropriate Towards A Child? We Have No Definite Proof That Chris Is A Computer... As What She Said Was Not Always The Same To The Three Of Us... What We Do Know Is We Need To REPORT!
Also, I Wish I Didn't Delete The Pics I Took Seeing As I Could've Used Them On Here As Evidence! Dx
Anywayz,The Profile: Chris' Profile!!!

Thanks Everyone!
Report On Windows If You're On It!
Ayah :)


  1. Chris Is SOOOO Creepy!
    Their Bi-Sexual!

    1. I Don't Think Ppl Get Much Creepier Than Chris!
      Do Ya Rlly Think He's Bi? :o
      Chances 9.99/10... (Lol!) :S
